
- スタイリスト (Stylist)
- ¥6,600
- トップスタイリスト(Top Stylist)
- ¥7,700
- 副店長(Assistant Manager)
- ¥8,250
- 店長(Manager)
- ¥8,800
- Director
- ¥11,000
- 前髪カット(Bangs Cut)
- ¥1,100~
- 土橋の料金はこちらFor Dobashi's rates, please check the MENU page.
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- リタッチ /Retouch
- ¥7,700
根元の新生毛部分を既染部分の明るさに馴染ませるカラーリング(根元新生部3cmまで) - Coloring to blend the new hair growth at the roots with the brightness of the previously dyed part (up to 3cm of new growth).
- 全体カラー/Full Color
- ¥11,000
前・中・後処理剤で髪のコンディションを整えながら行います。(ロング料金なし) - Conditioning the hair with pre, during, and post-treatment, without additional charges for long hair.
- グロスカラー/Gloss Color
- ¥11,000
髪の毛に潤いとツヤ感を与えるグロスカラーは繰り返し施術しても軋みません。- Gloss color that adds moisture and shine to the hair without causing stiffness, even with repeated treatments.
- リタッチ&グロスカラー /Retouch & Gloss Color
- ¥13,200
根元の新生部をリフトし既染部分をグロスカラーで施術するカラーリング。- Coloring that lifts the new growth at the roots and treats the previously dyed part with gloss color.
- ダメージレスカラー /Damage-less Color
- ¥14,300
薬剤の過剰反応を防ぎ、よりダメージレスに。色持ちも良く通常カラーよりも長持ち。日本人特有の硬く見えやすい髪も、 やわらかな淡い発色に。- Prevents excessive chemical reactions, resulting in less damage and longer-lasting color. Suitable for Japanese hair that tends to appear stiff.
- ハイブリッドカラー /Hybrid Color
- ¥16,500
カラーダメージの”ゼロ”の今まで経験した事のないハイクラスカラー。粘性のあるカラークリームで髪を保護し健康な髪へ - High-class color with zero color damage, using a viscous color cream to protect and promote healthy hair.
- ホイルカラー /Foil Color
- 10枚/10 sheets ¥3,500
30枚/30 sheets¥5,500
60枚/60 sheets ¥11,000 ホイルを使用し、髪を2色以上に塗り分けて髪全体に動きや影を出します。 - Using foils to apply two or more colors, creating movement and shadows throughout the hair.

- コスメパーマ/Cosmetic Perm
- スタイリスト/Stylist、副店長 (Assistant Manager)、店長/Manager¥11,000
Director¥13,200 化粧品登録のパーマ液を使用するので髪への負担が少なくダメージヘアにお勧めです。Recommended for damaged hair, using a perm solution registered as a cosmetic, minimizing the burden on the hair.
- デジタルパーマ/Digital Perm
- ¥16,500
形状記憶パーマとも呼ばれ、つぶれやすい毛でも弾むようなウエーブに仕上げます。Also known as a shape-memory perm, it creates a bouncy wave even for easily flattened hair.
- コスメストレート /Cosmetic Straightening
- ブローストレート /Blowout Straightening¥16,500
アイロンストレート /Iron Straightening¥18,700
アイロンストレート前髪のみ/ Iron Straightening (Bangs Only) ¥7,700 ストレートパーマをするほどではないクセ毛を整えながら、ツヤのあるなめらかな落ち着きのある髪に導きます。- For those with unruly curls who don't need a full straight perm, this treatment provides a glossy, smooth, and calm appearance while addressing minor waves.
- WELLA SP フォームトリートメント/ Form Treatment
- ¥3,300
Salon treatment with treatment components transformed into fine mousse-like foam, ensuring nutrients penetrate deeply into the core of the hair.
- ケラスターゼフィジオドーズ/KERASTASE Fisio-Dose
- ¥4,400~
Our professional stylists choose from 20 carefully selected high-concentration beneficial ingredients based on your hair consultation. Experience a leave-in treatment system with no waiting time.
- オージュア システムトリートメント /Aujua System Treatment
- ¥6,600〜
Milbon has accumulated years of research on Japanese women’s hair, considering hair and scalp characteristics, beauty habits, and climate. With ongoing foundational research on hair protein, Aujua combines years of research results.
- サブリミックトリートメント /Sublimic Treatment
- ¥13,200
失ったものを補い質感を整えるだけでなく、「髪本来の形状に補正する」という全く新しい発想で、揺るぎのない真の美しさへと導くヘアケア。 資生堂の先端テクノロジーを搭載したサロントリートメントとホームケアのシナジー効果により、持続力も発揮します。
A new concept in hair care that not only replenishes what is lost and refines texture but also corrects to the hair’s inherent shape. Leveraging Shiseido’s cutting-edge technology, it synergizes salon treatment and home care for sustained effectiveness.
Head Spa
- Aujuaへッドスパ 40分/ Aujua Head Spa (40 min)
- ¥7,700
Along with professional massage techniques, this treatment adjusts the scalp environment—the foundation of hair beauty—and supports a state that makes it easy to nurture hair beauty at home. Choose from four scents based on your mood.
- フューチャーサブライム(極上ヘッドスパ) 60分/ Future Sublime (Deluxe Head Spa - 60 minutes)
- ¥13,200
Care for the hair and scalp results in voluminous, firm, and resilient hair from the roots. The DIFINO original deluxe head spa includes lymphatic massage, providing a profound relaxation effect.
- Groomingヘッドスパ(メンズ用) 15分/ Grooming Head Spa (for Men - 15 minutes)
- ¥4,400
Cleansing the scalp with carbonated cleansing and using a beauty serum with hair growth effects, this quick head spa for men also includes face cleansing simultaneously.
- シャンプー&ブロー / Shampoo & Blow
- ¥4,950〜
Menu for down styles. Suitable for blowout styles or when using a hair iron.
- セットアップ/ Hair Set Up
- ¥6,050〜
Menu for up styles, such as those for weddings or parties. Reservations outside of regular business hours are also possible.
- フルメイク / Full Makeup
- ¥6,600
- ポイントメイク / Point Makeup
- ¥3,300
- 眉カット/ Eyebrow Cut
- ¥2,200
- 眉カラー / Eyebrow Color
- ¥2,200
- 大学生/ University Students
- 10%off
- 高校生/ High School Students
- 20%off
- 中学生/ Junior High School Students
- 30%off
- 小学生/ Elementary School Students
- ¥4,400
- 小学生未満/ Below Elementary School
- ¥3,300
- 美容学生割引(全スタイリスト) /Beauty School Student Discount - (All Stylist)
- 50%off
- 7日間スタイル保証/ 7-Day Style Guarantee
お気軽にご相談下さい。(We offer a 7-day style guarantee for treatments received by customers at DIFINO Group. If the techniques or services performed at DIFINO Group do not meet your satisfaction within 7 days from the visit date, we will make corrections free of charge. Please make a reservation for the correction day and feel free to consult with us.)
- 1MONTH SERVICE シャンプー&ブロー料金のサービス / 1MONTH SERVICE
担当者によって異なる場合がございますので、詳しくはフロント、もしくは担当スタイリストまでご相談下さい。(For customers revisiting within one month from the hair color appointment date (for hair color services only, etc.), the shampoo & blow fee (¥4,950~) will be complimentary. Details may vary depending on the stylist, so please consult with the front desk or your assigned stylist.)
- 平常時間外営業 / After-Hours Service
早朝からの結婚式等に出席されるお客様は是非ご利用下さい。(We provide set makeup services outside of regular business hours. An additional fee of ¥1,100 per 30 minutes will apply. Feel free to utilize this service, especially for early morning events like weddings.)
(Priority booking in private rooms for customers with babies arriving in strollers has been well-received. Feel free to use the service for diaper changes and breastfeeding.)
- クレジットカードの利用
出張料金は時間により前後致しますので、詳しくは担当スタイリストまでお問い合わせ下さい。(We offer bridal hair setting, styling, and makeup services. Bridal hair and makeup can be done in-store or at your preferred location. We are here to assist in making your once-in-a-lifetime celebration truly special. Please note that the travel fee may vary depending on the time, so for more details, please contact your assigned stylist.)